Marion Business Association

Business Resources

Marion Economic Development Resources For Business and Real Estate Development

For more information on any of the details below, please contact us on 828-652-2215 or by email by clicking here.


The following resources, programs and services are available locally to help your business or real estate venture succeed in Marion, North Carolina.

Growing Entrepreneurs Marion (GEM) – An 8-class entrepreneur training that teaches the basics of entrepreneurship. Is the idea feasible? How will it be financed?  What is the best legal structure of ownership?  Effective marketing practices.  All aspects of starting a new business are covered.  This program is also a very good refresher for existing businesses.  Businesses participating in the program are eligible to apply for a grant providing up to $5,000 of rent and utility assistance for a period of up to six months.  To qualify, businesses must be in the retail or food service sectors, locate in Downtown Marion, create at least 1.5 jobs and be open a certain number of hours per week. 

Marion Façade Grant Programs – For improvements to building facades including free design assistance.  City funding, up to $5,000, is available to cover up to 100% cost of paint and window materials for façade renovations for qualifying buildings in Downtown Marion. One-half of the costs of labor or for materials (other than paint and windows) can be funded by the Historic Marion Façade Grant, funded by the Marion Business Association and McDowell Economic Development Association, and supported by the City of Marion and McDowell County. Free Design Assistance is available from the N.C. Main Street Center for buildings in Downtown Marion. 

City of Marion Revolving Loan Program –  The City of Marion has available $100,000 in a revolving loan program, funded by a grant from the N.C. Rural Center.  Loans will be targeted to new businesses in Downtown Marion or businesses expanding to the Downtown area. 

Building Inspector Consultation – The City of Marion Building Inspector is available for consultation regarding potential projects within the City of Marion. Contact the Building Inspector at 828-652-3551 for more information.


N.C. Main Street Program – Main Street Solutions Fund - Used to assist planning agencies and small businesses with efforts to revitalize downtowns by creating jobs, funding infrastructure improvements and rehabilitating buildings.  Downtown Redevelopment Fund - Designed for infrastructure upgrades of downtown buildings in order to meet current code requirements. The upgrades should be for vacant or underutilized downtown commercial buildings. An underutilized building is defined as a property that is less than fully utilized or used below its potential. This fund is designed to return vacant or underutilized commercial buildings to economic use for new and/or expanded business.  For more information visit

McDowell Tech Small Business Center – Free counseling for new and existing business.  Contact Terry Valentino at 828-652-0634 or

North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office  (SHPO) - For historic properties preservation, restoration, reuse and tax credit information.  Contact Jennifer Cathey at SHPO at 828-296-7230 Ext. 227, at or  

Building Reuse Program, N.C. Department of Commerce – Provides funding for job creation taking place in vacant buildings.  Buildings must be vacant for at least three months prior to application deadlines. Mixed-use or adaptive reuse projects that include housing may be eligible, provided the building will be occupied by at least one private company committed to creating new jobs.  Priority will be given to projects that create five (5) or more new full-time jobs.  For more information, contact

The City of Marion, McDowell County, McDowell Chamber of Commerce, McDowell Economic Development Association and Marion Business Association are eager to assist with any questions concerning new or expanding businesses. For more information, please contact:

  • Marion Business Association Executive Director Freddie Killough at 828-652-2215 or

  • City Manager Bob Boyette at 652-3551 or

  • City Planning Director Heather Cotton at 828-652-3551 or

  • McDowell Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kim Effler at 828-652-4240 or

  • McDowell Economic Development Association Executive Director Chuck Abernathy at 828-652-9391 or

  • McDowell County Manager Ashley Wooten at 828-652-7121 or
Moving Up In Marion Initiative - The City of Marion has initiated a new economic and community development program to support the private development of upper floor residential housing in existing multi-story buildings in its historic downtown. For more information, contact Planning Director Heather Cotton at 828-652-3551 or hcotton@

VEDIC – Based in Valdese, North Carolina, VEDIC operates loan programs focused on helping entrepreneurs start businesses and existing businesses to expand. VEDIC bridges the gap for those businesses that need funding, but cannot qualify for a bank loan. It is our hope that through this loan program, businesses will prosper and become credit worthy for bank funding in the future. Visit www. for more information.

Thread Capital is your trusted advisor, helping your small business navigate a turbulent world. We work with both entrepreneurs just getting started and established businesses ready to grow.

Whether it’s a $500 loan or a $5 million loan, we are here to help you find the financing your business needs. And we guarantee your needs will get the personal attention they deserve, no matter the size.

We count our success in the number and diversity of small businesses we help launch and expand, not just the amount of money we lend. That is why we also provide you access to the coaching and connections you may need to maximize the full potential of your small business.

Marion Business Association

The Marion Business Association champions the entrepreneurial spirit of our community through collaboration and innovation to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of our city.

Main Street America

As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, Marion Business Association is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities that share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by Main Street America.

NC Main Street Community

Marion is a North Carolina Main Street community, designated by the N.C. Department of Commerce Main Street & Rural Planning Center. Marion Business Association is charged with administering the program at the local level and building public-private partnerships to spur economic development that achieves measurable results such as investment, business growth, and job creation.

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Marion Business Association

The Marion Business Association champions the entrepreneurial spirit of our community through collaboration and innovation to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of our city.

Main Street America

As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, Marion Business Association is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities that share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by Main Street America.

NC Main Street Community

Marion is a North Carolina Main Street community, designated by the N.C. Department of Commerce Main Street & Rural Planning Center. Marion Business Association is charged with administering the program at the local level and building public-private partnerships to spur economic development that achieves measurable results such as investment, business growth, and job creation.

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58 Depot St, Marion, NC 28752 | 828-652-2215
© 2025 Marion Business Association